On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, Birthright Israel Foundation hosted an evening of inspiration featuring alumna Erin Schrode and…
Dear Friends,
The High Holidays are a special time for the Jewish people. Deep rooted in religious practices and tradition, these days are synonymous with community. It is during these holy days that the Jewish people unite together in many shapes and forms to welcome the New Year as one.
As we sit in our respective synagogues, we can take great pleasure and pride in our community. We are a people with unmeasured strength, determination and dedication to our values, traditions and homeland. We are a people of promise, a people of passion, and we are a people that has a bright future.
Look around your synagogues at the young families. The children laughing and staring at the Shofar in awe. If I were a betting man, I would say these families are sitting there with you as a result of Birthright Israel. While exploring their homeland and finding connection to their roots they found a sense of community and have chosen to be active members of the Jewish community, providing continuity for our people and our traditions.
Thanks to support from friends like you, we have been able to provide the incredible gift of Birthright Israel to more than 700,000 young Jewish adults in the last 19 years. We are ensuring our children and grandchildren have bright futures and that our people and our homeland remain strong for generations to come.
I am honored to come to work every day to further our mission to ensure that every eligible young Jewish adult around the world, especially the less connected, is given the opportunity to visit Israel on this educational journey. As we turn the page to 5780, I look forward to all that is ahead for the Jewish people.
Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and sweet new year!
Shana Tova,
Israel “Izzy” Tapoohi
President & CEO
Birthright Israel Foundation