After a long week of work or school, Shabbat serves as a prime opportunity to relax,…
Since 1999, Birthright Israel has served its mission to bring Jewish young adults to Israel at absolutely no cost to them—regardless of their means, background, religious beliefs or practices, political views, sexual orientation, racial or gender identity, or disability status. All we ask of our participants is curiosity, an open mind, and an interest in exploring Israel and their Jewish identity. In return, they receive a priceless gift—an unforgettable adventure, lifelong friendships, and a newly meaningful relationship to their Jewish identity, the Jewish community, and the land and people of Israel that will nourish them throughout their lives.
We are so proud to have created a truly pluralistic community of more than 850,000 alumni. They are Jews from around the world and all walks of life, many of whom had almost no prior experience with Judaism. As a result of their Birthright Israel experience, they become passionate, conscientious members of the Jewish community who take on leadership roles in Jewish organizations and instill Jewish values in their children.
To provide this extraordinary gift at no cost to participants, we depend on a network of 30,000 generous donors who are committed to empowering the next generation and creating a flourishing Jewish future. Many of our alumni have been inspired to pay it forward and make a gift to Birthright Israel Foundation so that others could receive the wonderful opportunity that had so enriched their lives.
But there is another, equally important way for our alumni to pay it forward—by helping us spread the word! If you are one of the more than 850,000 participants whose lives were changed by Birthright Israel, we invite you to participate in our 25th anniversary celebration by sharing your story with our community.
We ask you to share your story in writing, by sharing photos and/or making a video. Tell us about yourself and your background, highlights and experiences from your trip, and how Birthright Israel forever transformed your relationship to your Jewish identity, the Jewish community, and the land of Israel.
When you share your story, you help a new generation discover this opportunity to claim their birthright. You also help our donors understand the incredible impact their generosity makes possible. Thanks to our amazing alumni and donors, Birthright Israel has become a true rite of passage for generations of young Jews, and the greatest educational project in Jewish history. You are a part of that history, so help shape our future and share your story today!