Share Your Stories

This year, we celebrate 25 years of Birthright Israel—a quarter century of connection, discovery, and unforgettable moments that shape Jewish identity. Every trip has been made possible by nearly 30,000 generous donors who believe in the power of this journey.

Are you ready to write the next chapter in the story of Jewish resilience? Answer a few questions below and help keep this incredible legacy alive. Please be as detailed and specific as possible in your responses!

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Have a great video, picture, or story from your trip? Share it on social and tag us! Together, we can spread the word about the life-changing journey of Birthright Israel.

Fill Out the Form Below to Share Your Experience

By submitting this information to Birthright Israel Foundation you are granting permission to use your quote for marketing collateral that includes but is not limited to digital, email, and print.

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"My experience is only one of over 850,000 Birthright Israel participants — the impact of this program is immeasurable. For anyone who has gone on Birthright Israel, I think it’s safe to say, we can all appreciate the struggle our people endured for us, and that we are empowered to know firsthand a land that will always welcome us with an open heart and open arms."

Nikki Labaschin, Trip Staff & Birthright Israel Alumna