Send Us a Message

Note: If you have questions or comments about the Birthright Israel trip (e.g., applications, travel plans, eligibility, deposits), please reach out to Birthright Israel on their website or by calling the Birthright Israel hotline at (888) 994-7723.

Mailing Address & Phone

Birthright Israel Foundation
P.​O. B​ox 21615
New York, N​Y 10087

Foundation Main Office

(212) 457-0036

Birthright Israel Trip Hotline

(888) 994-7723

Reach Us on Social

The best way to read, hear, and see the impact of our mission daily is on social media. Just search your favorite social media platform for Birthright Israel Foundation and click follow! You can also subscribe to our updates today →

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Contact a Staff Member in Your Community

Birthright Israel Foundation has offices in cities across the United States and Canada. Whether you’re interested in joining one of our Leadership Councils, hosting/taking part in one of our events, or getting involved with your local Jewish community in some other way, our team of professionals are here to help.

Tri-State Area

New York

Washington, D.C.
and Baltimore





  • Deborah Dolgin
    VP, Western Region
  • Yael Gonen-Dawson
    Regional Director, Greater L.A.
    (615) 418-7114


Donate Now

Without your donations to Birthright Israel Foundation, this gift isn’t possible. Secure the Jewish future today by investing in this transformational trip for Jewish young adults.