A History of Birthright Israel Foundation

In 1999, Birthright Israel was founded on a bold idea: provide the gift of a life-changing trip to Israel to Jewish young adults with the goal of securing—and transforming—the Jewish future. In 2004, Birthright Israel Foundation was created in order to help raise the funds needed to ensure this trip would be available today, tomorrow, and always.

Together, we stand firmly behind our joint mission and vision of offering this educational journey through the Jewish homeland.

Our Approach

Birthright Israel and Birthright Israel Foundation are committed to providing young adults with the gift of connection, community, and a love for the State of Israel. With offices in 11 different cities around the United States, we work to guarantee that the gift of a Birthright Israel trip is available to every Jewish young adult every single year.

Over more than two decades, we have helped raise funds annually in order to send 800,000 young adults and counting on this transformational trip. We believe that we’re not only changing the lives of Jewish young adults, but that we’re also transforming the Jewish future.

Learn More

The Lasting Impact of Birthright Israel

85 %
of alumni feel the trip was a life-changing experience
93 %
more likely to feel very connected to Israel than non-participants
84 %
of alumni are raising their children Jewish
54 %
of participants say it’s important to marry someone Jewish

Note: Statistics via Brandeis University Maurice & Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies

Board of Directors

Birthright Israel Foundation’s Board of Directors is composed of diverse and talented people from across the country who are dedicated to building a foundation for a strong and vibrant Jewish future. Our board guides our organization and supports our mission through fundraising, working closely with our partners in Israel, and serving as ambassadors by sharing the life-changing power of the Birthright Israel experience.

Executive Committee

Philip de Toledo
Lori Komisar
Vice Chair
Douglas M. Ross
Vice Chair
Lawrence J. Cohen
Michael Rashes

Board Members

Sara Aronson
David Barse
Steven J. Fishman
Martin J. Geller
Judy Goodman
John Hoover
Scott Jaffee
Harry Krakowski
Roberta Menzin
Russ Robinson
Avery Rosin
Mindy Schneider
Dan Schwab
David Shapira
Linda Solomon
Barry Swidler
Laura Zebersky

Honorary Board Members

Madlyn Abramson z” l
Dr. Miriam Adelson
Sheldon G. Adelson z” l
Laurie Blitzer
Charles R. Bronfman
Edgar M. Bronfman z” l
Shawn Evenhaim
Susie Gelman
Chair Emeritus
Michael A. Leven
Joshua Nash
Chair Emeritus
Daniel S. Och
Chair Emeritus
Lynn Schusterman
Jane F. Sherman
Michael H. Steinhardt
Thomas D. Stern
Chair Emeritus

Staff Leadership

Elias Saratovsky
President & CEO
S. David Shapiro
Chief Financial Officer
Pamela Fertel Weinstein
Chief Marketing Officer
Zhe Yang
Chief Information Officer

Directors Emeriti

Mark Charendoff
Joel Citron
Rachel Gerrol
Marjorie Honickman
Judith A. Levy
Marlene Post
Former Executive Officer
J. Philip Rosen
Former Executive Officer
Wendy Shenfeld
Stephen M. Siderow
Former Executive Officer
Jane F. Wilf

Regional Cabinets & Ambassador Councils

Birthright Israel Foundation has established Regional Cabinets & Ambassador Councils as two ways in which local lay leaders can further strengthen the Foundation’s mission of ensuring that every eligible young Jewish adult is given the opportunity to visit Israel. Cabinet and Ambassador Council members are focused on fundraising efforts including solicitations, prospecting and introductions in their communities. Members also receive Birthright Israel Foundation updates regarding trips, as well as national and local activities. Interested in getting involved? Get in touch with us today!

Atlanta Cabinet

Amy Agami
Barak Cohen
Ron Eichel
Viki Freeman
Angel Goldman
Lisa Greenberg
Cathy Selig Kuranoff
Michelle Leven
Rob Leven
Amy Lewis
Bryan Lewis
Harry Maziar
Matthew Oppenheimer
Jerry Rosenberg
Ruth Rosenberg
Douglas M. Ross
National Cabinet Chair
Samantha Schoenbaum
Karen Shulman
Irwin Siegel
Gary Simon
Michelle Simon
Michelle Tillem
Jesse Wellner

Long Island Cabinet

Pamela Barnett
Philip Barnett
Michelle Berger
Caryn Beyer
Barbara Cooper
Clifford Goldman
Bradley Gruber
Jen Gruber
Jonathon Held
Susan Held
Arlene Horowitz
David Horowitz
Mindy Horowitz
Amy Jaffee
Scott Jaffee
Jahn Levin
Sabrina Levin
Erika Lipetz
Patricia Loeb
Alonna Ostad
Michael Ostad
David Pelton
Rachel Podell
Debbie Baron Rosen
Morty Schaja
Rebecca Schaja
Susie Schulman
Alex Shapses
Lindsay Shapses
Wendy Shenfeld
David Sterling
Barry Swidler
Chair Emeritus
Frank Zuckerbrot
Rachel Zuckerbrot

Los Angeles Cabinet

Kimberly Brooks
Philip de Toledo
Lauren Diamond
Josh Diamond
Rick Entin
Shawn Evenhaim
Daniel Feiner
Steven Fishman
Jodie Fishman
Alicia Goldsmith
Andrew Hauptman
Michael Koss
Aaron Leff
Simon Mendelson
Michael Messinger
Orly Ohebsion
Avery Rosin
Scott Sandler
Darryl Schall
Michael Scott
Toby Waldorf
Melissa Wiczyk
Roee Wiczyk

Los Angeles Ambassador Council

Nancy Beiser
Scott Beiser
Donna Bender
Arthur Bilger
Dahlia Bilger
Alexander Block
Melissa Block
William Comanor
Helgard Field
Irwin Field
Corie Koss
Gary Lazar
Rochelle Levy
Robert Meth
Arline Pepp
Buddy Pepp
Kamyar Shabani

Miami Ambassador Council

Beth Adler
Leslie Adler
Robert Berrin
Nancy Luria Cohen
Nadine Foldes
Barbara Menachem Furman
Fredric Garvett
Ilan Kempler
Roberta Menzin
Sharon Prince
Stuart Rohatiner
Elena Salomon
Lee Sandler
Sheree Savar
Sydney Schaecter
Linda Schechter
Ruth Shere
Howard Socol
Sharon Socol

Midwest Ambassador Council

Shelby Anderson
Lisa Broder
Lauren Chazen
Mike Frazin
Mia Kalt
Lori Komisar
Betsy Krantz
Irwin Levin
Andrew Lucas
Jason Peltz
Robert Schuckit
Marc Schwartz
Stacy Siwak
Louri Sullivan

New England Cabinet

Sara Aronson
Raz Evenor
Daniel Farb
Myrna Freedman
Mark Friedman
Dara Grossman
Dan Guttell
Bobbie Palter
Suzanne Priebatsch
Michael Rashes
Jill Roberts
Zach Wainwright

New Jersey Cabinet

Cara Behar
Mike Behar
Jeremy Brown
Rachel Brown
Phil Darivoff
Terri Friedman
Suzi Gohar
Yaron Gohar
Michael Goldberg
Stef Gordon
David Kurtz
Shelly Kurtz
Mark Lebovitch
Andy Lustigman
Jill Kallet Lustigman
David Rak
Evan Ratner
Dave Rosen
Maxine Schwartz
Rob Schwartz
Yoni Shenker
Randi Sellinger
Jerry Solomon

New York City Cabinet

Michael Aingorn
Avi Banyasz
Michael Baron
David Barse
Larry Cohen
Jon Drucker
Adam Finerman
Judy Goodman
Richard Hoffman
Andy Levine
Jeff Lipsitz
Bruce Pollock
Brian Salsberg
Chad Schwartz
Steve Shenfeld
Linda Solomon
Julie Stonberg
Elizabeth Strauss
Scott Weiner
Michael Weisser
Aaron Weitman
Nick Zerbib

Northwest Ambassador Council

Rabbi Ryan Bauer
Shelley Bensussen
Alex Bernstein
Danny Bernstein
Bobbi Chamberlin
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Amy Friedkin
Alexander Fromm Lurie
Nancy Grand
Lily Kanter
Hilary Karlinsky
Stewart Karlinsky
Joelle Kaufman
Alex Lin-Goldsmith
Rabbi Brian Lurie
Jessica Minkoff
Sheryl Reuben
Scott Seligman
Harmon Shragge
Jennifer Smorgon
Alayne Sulkin
Howard Zack
Rabbi Jessica Zimmerman Graf

Palm Beach Cabinet

Sara Aronson
Richard Baer
Sandy Baklor
David Brodsky
Amy Dalton
Nathaniel Dalton
Harold Danenberg
Stephen Dephoure
Chris Goldberg
Ray Golden
Linda Golden
Gayle Gross
Bowie Jacobson
Brahm Levine
Judith Levy
Erna Liebovich
Sam Liebovich
Michael Margolis
Ronnie Pertnoy

Philadelphia Ambassador Council

Alix Ablaza
Edward Baumstein
Connie Berg
Bryna Berman
Sharyn Berman
Miriam Feldman
Judy Felgoise
Harvey Goldberg
Jeff Green
Jodi Greenblatt
Marjorie Honickman
Susanna Lachs Adler
Gail Norry
Jaclyn Platt
Susan Raynor
Beth Reisboard
Susan Schwartz
Wendy Singer
Sarah Solomon
Joy Stember
Donna Sternberg
Nancy Wolfson
Andrew Yaffe

South Palm Beach Cabinet

Rosalyn August
Meryl Gallatin
Laurence Goldfarb
Lynne Halpern
Andrea Leven
Michael Leven
Ed Levine
Tamara Morgenstern
David Pratt
Barry Swidler
Deborah Swidler

Southwest Ambassador Council

David Barish
Allen Bodzy
Leonard Friedman
Evan Gremont
Stuart Prescott
Carol Silverberg

Donate Now

Without your donations to Birthright Israel Foundation, this gift isn’t possible. Secure the Jewish future today by investing in this transformational trip for Jewish young adults.