- Securing the Jewish Future
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Our Mission & Vision
Birthright Israel Foundation raises funds in the United States to support Birthright Israel, an educational trip that ensures every eligible young Jewish adult around the world, especially the less connected, is given the opportunity to visit Israel. Birthright Israel Foundation aims to fund this educational trip for thousands of young Jewish adults each year.
What is Birthright Israel?
Birthright Israel began with a bold idea — offer the gift of a life-changing trip to Israel to young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 — and in doing so, transform the Jewish future. Founded in 1999 by a remarkable group of committed Jewish philanthropists, Birthright Israel Foundation has given this gift to more than 850,000 young Jewish adults.
Birthright Israel aims to ensure a vibrant future of the Jewish people by strengthening Jewish identity, Jewish communities and connections with Israel.
Connecting Young Adults to Their Past, Present, and Future
Birthright Israel Foundation aims to raise the funds needed to send Jewish young adults to Israel on an educational and experiential journey of a lifetime through Birthright Israel. If you want to ensure that today’s young adults feel a strong connection to their Jewish heritage, it starts with helping them experience the land of Israel—its people, culture, religion, history, and more.
The Lasting Impact of Birthright Israel
Note: Statistics via Brandeis University Maurice & Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
Our Mission
In 1999, Birthright Israel began with a bold mission: Offer Jewish young adults the gift of an educational and experiential trip to Israel in order to help build connections to Israel, nurture strong and proud Jewish identities, and strengthen the Jewish future.
In 2004, Birthright Israel Foundation was founded with the mission to support Birthright Israel by raising vital funds in the United States. Our vision and hope is that, through the continued support of our donors, Jewish young adults will continue to receive this transformational gift—but we need your help to make it happen.
“Not only did this free trip to Israel connect me to the Jewish community, but it opened my eyes for the first time to earnestly learn about Jewish beliefs, culture, and traditions. What I once assumed was an antiquated religion, I now see for its long history of perseverance, progression, and universal wisdom. … I walked away from Israel as a proud Jewish man with a long, bright future ahead of me.”
Connor Jacobson
Birthright Israel Alumnus
You Make the Trip Possible
The gift of a trip to Israel is made possible through individual donations worldwide, including to Birthright Israel Foundation, as well as through support from the government of Israel, The Jewish Agency for Israel, and Jewish Federations. Without your support, this gift of a lifetime isn’t possible. Let your legacy be one of investing in the Jewish future.
“If it wasn’t for Birthright Israel, I don’t know if Israel would play such a large role in my adult life. … It is with great joy and hope that I imagine the day that my daughter, the great-granddaughter of three Holocaust survivors, leaves for her Birthright Israel trip. What adventures will she experience? How will the trip shape her Jewish identity? Will she fall in love with the country as I did? How proud would her great-grandparents be? And of course, can she fit her mother into her backpack!?”
Jenna Pfeffer
Birthright Israel Alumnus
Your Gift Transforms Into Lasting Impact
Whether or not you personally went on a Birthright Israel trip, we know you’re invested in securing this transformational trip—for today, tomorrow, and always. When you donate to Birthright Israel Foundation, your donation goes toward that delicious falafel in the Shuk, a mud mask at the Dead Sea, a sleepover in the Bedouin tents, and an unbreakable bond with the Jewish past, present, and future.
Tax ID 13-4092050
Birthright Israel Foundation is listed by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Donation Address
Birthright Israel Foundation
P.O. Box 21615
New York, NY 10087