What is the difference between Birthright Israel Foundation and Birthright Israel?
Birthright Israel Foundation aims to raise the funds needed to send Jewish young adults to Israel on an educational and experiential journey of a lifetime through Birthright Israel. Together, we stand firmly behind our joint mission and vision to help Jewish young adults feel more connected to the State of Israel and to the future of the Jewish people.
Is traveling to Israel safe?
Yes. According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, 4.9 million people visited Israel in 2019. This is a 12% increase from 2018 and most tourists, nearly one million are American. According to Lonely Planet, a leading travel guide publisher, Israel is generally a safe place to travel and violent crime against tourists is rare.
How safe is it to travel to Israel with Birthright Israel?
In over two decades with 850,000+ participants, Birthright Israel has never had a security issue. The safety and security of the participants is of our utmost concern. Below are the measures we take to ensure the safety and security of all groups:
- A tour educator, two staff members, a medic, and at least one trained security guard accompany all trips.
- Participants travel as a group by tour bus, never via public transportation.
- All trips, tour bus companies, and drivers are subject to strict safety standards.
- Birthright Israel only works with accredited members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
- Should the need arise, itineraries will be changed to ensure participant safety.
Please visit Birthright Israel’s Information Center to read more about the safety and security of trips.
How does Birthright Israel view pluralism?
Birthright Israel’s motto is simple: We seek unity without uniformity! The diverse makeup of participants is seen as a great asset and the ultimate example of Jewish pluralism. Birthright Israel’s approach is to offer each participant an equal opportunity to share and voice their feelings and opinions about Judaism, Israel, and identity—no matter what their personal background, political views, religious beliefs or practices, sexual orientation, gender identity, and so on. Birthright Israel is 100 percent pluralistic, inclusive, and does not endorse any ideological, party, or religious line.
Is Birthright Israel an apolitical organization?
Unequivocally, yes. Birthright Israel is committed to the State of Israel as a sovereign, Jewish, and democratic state, and upholds its standing as the historic and eternal homeland of the Jewish people. Within that framework, Birthright Israel refrains from any political or ideological partisanship. Birthright Israel promotes a culture of open, safe, pluralistic, and meaningful dialogue and seeks to unite Jewish young adults and build strong connections to the State of Israel.