Katie Spector is originally from Northeast Ohio and lives in Cincinnati today. She is the Director of Engagement at the Hillel at Miami University in Ohio. She’s passionate about providing Jewish students a place to find their Jewish identity and creating spaces where all Jewish students are welcome. When she isn’t working, she is either crocheting, reading a book, or hanging out with her dogs, Oscar and Frankie.

Q&A with Katie Spector

What inspired you to sign up for a Birthright Israel trip?

Katie Spector: “I never felt Jewish enough before going on my Birthright Israel trip. Coming from a multifaith family, there never seemed like I was welcomed in Jewish spaces. I wanted to stand up against that notion and prove I was Jewish, that I wanted to be Jewish, and that I would push myself in Jewish spaces no matter what anyone said.”

Did you have any preconceived notions before going to Israel?

Katie Spector: “My dad had spent one year living in Israel at 16 in the 70s. His idea of Israel was of having the best time of his life. So I went to Israel with the notion that Israel was a paradise, and once I landed, I found this to be accurate as well.”

Did you grow up with a connection to your Jewish identity?

Katie Spector: “I did not. I grew up knowing I was Jewish – wanting to fit into Jewish spaces, but it was not till after my trip that I started to find my Jewish identity.”

What was your biggest takeaway from the trip?

Katie Spector: “My biggest takeaway was that I wanted to return to Israel again soon. Israelis were welcoming and willing to help out in any way they could. So when I moved to Israel a year later, I was not nervous, knowing I would be safe with Israelis to support me.”

How has Birthright Israel played a role in your life since coming home from the trip?

Katie Spector: “Since coming home from my Birthright Israel experience, I have lived in Beit She’an for a year teaching English and have led three Birthright Israel trips for two different Hillels. All of that was only possible with me going on my first trip in 2015.”

Are you involved more in your Jewish community because of your Birthright Israel trip?

Katie Spector: “Yes. After my Birthright Israel trip, I came home wanting to be involved with the Jewish community. Due to my first trip to Israel, I now work in the Jewish nonprofit world; all my friends are Jewish, and I continue connecting with the Jewish community daily.”

It takes nearly 40,000 donors annually to give Birthright Israel to young Jews everywhere. What would you say to them if you could meet the person who made your trip possible?

Katie Spector: “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Without my first Birthright Israel trip, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. After my first trip, I had no idea that I would go on to return several times, work at a Jewish nonprofit, and find so many friends. My life completely changed because of my trip. I genuinely don’t know where I would be now had it not been for that first trip.”