Alums Trip Highlights

From Bat Mitzvah to Bar Mitzvah: One Man’s Journey with Birthright Israel

This may be a bit cliché because everyone who goes on Birthright Israel seems to say this, but it is because it is true…Birthright was a life-changing experience. I have many memories that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life. For example, getting to know all of the amazing people on my trip, walking in… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

Birthright Israel Was My First Journey In Recovery

I grew up in a small Jewish community in Northern California, where I had a broken relationship with my Judaism. After my Bat Mitzvah, I didn’t see any reason to continue with the Jewish community. I knew about Birthright Israel, but it was never something that I was interested in doing. After I became sober, I began to explore what… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

Rediscovering My Jewish Roots on Birthright Israel

Birthright Israel was a life-changing experience for me. I found out about this opportunity by getting more involved with my Hillel branch at Florida International University. I had never been to Israel before, so when I learned it was essentially free, I jumped on it and signed up. I would recommend this trip to anyone who wants to connect with… Read More 
Events Leadership & Supporters

Event Highlights: 2019 Atlanta Leadership Celebration

We gathered with over 140 supporters at Ray's on the River in Sandy Springs, GA on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 to celebrate seven years of Birthright Israel Foundation in the Atlanta community. Thank you to our amazing Atlanta leadership for your vision and dedication! During the festive evening, we had the pleasure of hearing from Birthright Israel alumni from Atlanta… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

How Birthright Israel Helped Me Embrace My Identities

My Jewish background was hidden throughout childhood but has been brought forward as I’ve stepped into adulthood. When I was a kid, I was told never to disclose my Jewishness to people. As a mixed child, my family felt that appearing both Black and Jewish would subject me to too much discrimination, therefore, I kept my Jewish observation inconspicuous. Growing… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

How I Roll: Birthright Israel No Limits In Motion

I can’t even fully explain how amazing my Birthright Israel trip was, but I’ll do my best. Birthright Israel No Limits In Motion is a trip designed specifically for young adults with disabilities ages 18-32. This trip promises a completely free and accessible trip to Israel. Each participant gets to bring a companion with them for free, so I brought… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

Then & Now: KC Yasmer

July 2000 My name is KC Yasmer and I am a junior at Stanford University. It was my good fortune to join the other hundreds of college students on the Birthright Israel 2000 trip. I was raised in Tucson, Arizona, a southwestern town with a small but cohesive Jewish community. Judaism was and is a part of my life, which… Read More 
Alums Love Stories Trip Highlights

We Found Love In A Holy Place: How Birthright Israel Brought Us Together

Finding Love in a Holy Place Back in 2013, I received a call that I could go on Birthright Israel, and of course, I took the opportunity and booked my flight to NYC. I had never traveled alone, and the anxiety and excitement were outrageous. When my peers and I arrived at the airport on the morning of our trip,… Read More 
Alums Leadership & Supporters Trip Highlights

What are parents saying about Birthright Israel this summer?

"My daughter loved every minute of the Israeli people, places, food, information and experiences. She went in convinced that while the trip would offer exposure to valuable historical and cultural insights, she'd be bored. Instead, she returned in awe. The group explored from sunup to sundown daily, and my daughter felt like no sightseeing stone was left unturned. The education… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

Birthright Israel Helped Me Accept My Disability

My No Limits Birthright Israel trip was one of the greatest experiences of my life! A person with a disability can often feel alone and isolated. I have Cerebral Palsy and this trip was so special because I met people who are going through the same challenges and have similar fears and anxieties as I did. I realized for the… Read More 
Alums Trip Highlights

My Spiritual Journey with Birthright Israel

There’s a difference between being Jewish and being Jew “ish.” I was born Jewish, but I was not raised Jewish. Back in the 1940’s, my Ashkenazi grandmother was born and raised Jewish in Brooklyn, New York. Although it was very unusual for women of her time to receive proper Jewish education, she continued to practice Judaism well into her adulthood.… Read More 

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